Monday, December 9, 2013

Welcome to the site where food* is for you not against you

"Food is for you not against you" is a saying that we can live by and not die by... you may wonder how this can be, with all these diets and food group fears, and links to obesity and weight gain... how can it be for us?  Food as by definition is for us... the substance that brings health and life to our bodies.  Notice I said FOOD,  and notice that much of the american diet is not food by definition... continue reading the blog pages to find out more about this idea!
So I had my third little boy almost a year ago, and with each pregnancy I have gained 40ish lbs which is a lot on a little 5'4" frame.  However with the first pregnancy I lost all of the weight plus about 3lbs the second I lost it all plus about 5 lbs, and the third babe I lost it all plus 10 lbs leaving me the skinniest I have been... well even less then highschool where I ran track and cross country and wasn't overweight to begin with.... All this is not to say this is what should happen, or what anyone should aim for... but just to bring up the topic of foodstyle.  I am often asked, why/how do I get rid of my baby weight so well and fast.
 Well there are a few things that come to mind...
Attitude: not to say I eat perfectly....
There are many things that I eat on occasion that I know are not optimal... sugar for example.. But I think that this factor plays part because I am ok with it and therefore don't stress about my food intake.... Ya know, stress= weight gain, scientifically proven!  SO MANY PEOPLE equate food and food choices with stress and anxiety,  it doesn't matter what they eat they will gain weight just by looking at it, and that is not just to coin the phrase!  Also my attitude toward vegetables is that I love them and eat them a lot because they taste good and make me feel good... Same goes with exercise, it is a treat for me to go running... If someone came over and said... "go and do whatever you want and I'll watch the boys all day" I would go running, take a shower then go to Dunn Bros and shopping ha! Running has become a treat rather then an every day thing though with 3 young boys... more often I can find time to do a few crunches, squats, and lunges... but that is the extent of my working out purposefully.. and guess what, I choose to not be stressed  about that either!
Whole Food:
Another factor is that my family eats allergen friendly foods, so no gluten and minimal dairy, no MSG, yeast, and very little processed food (aside from the processing done in my amazing food processor). Because of this, I cook from scratch, and that eliminates non food items like fake sugars, and high fructose corn syrup, fillers and additives, and all the health food myths like soy, agave, fat free, sugar free foods etc.....
The other thing that helps is I do have my BA in Dietetics (yes the schooling helps) and I can decipher food components, and anatomy, physiology and biology, so I not only can tell what is good/bad for us, but I can not get myself to consume much less feed my loved ones non food items since I at least partially understand the detriment it has on our bodies, and I can spot a diet myth a mile away!
Oh and I do have to note Genetics: My  mom is very tiny (but strong) as well and so is my dad.  Not everyone on earth is going to be tiny (thank God) and if you are not, that is OK don't try to be, just love your body for how God created it, there are benefits on either ends of the spectrum.  Health is our aim here, not super skinny!
NOW you may say "good for you, what about me then"  And to that I say, I am so thankful that I have the capability to help you!  You don't need to go to school or have the uncanny ability to listen to your body or crave vegetables and running (yet.. these things are the bi-products) you just have to want to try to be healthy, and inquire, think for yourself, do research, ask me for help, and I am at your disposal. Go through the pages of my blog for starters, then email me or call me and I would love LOVE to answer questions and brainstorm with you!
Peace and Love,

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