I believe food is for everyone!
I am not that old, but over the years, I have had my own journey of thoughts toward food and eating. I have noticed that I have been the happiest inside and out when I am eating well, not concerned about calories or fat or carbs, but just paying attention to how food makes me feel after I eat it. Which leads me to believe that food is good. Vegetables, nuts and seeds make me feel the best.... then fruits, then whole grains, then meat, then treats. So on a good day I eat them in that order. After figuring that out via experimentation, I learned in college and post grad studies, that my "gut feeling" was right!
That being said, I like to keep it simple. So instead of recommending restrictions and what not, I just tell people they should eat what I call Food. Is that simple enough for you? Well in order to follow this advice, we have to define food.
According to Webster:
"Definition of food:
1a: material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate,and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy; also: such food together with supplementary substances (minerals, vitamins, and condiments)...
2: nutriment in solid form
3: something that nourishes, sustains, or supplies <food for thought>"
Another dictionary explained food as "a substance that plants animals and humans consume that brings them vitality, nourishment, and LIFE.
The opposite is Non Food Item (NFI) This would be a substance that we should not eat because it brings us death or attributes thereof.
Check out the Food diet in order to further understand this!
There are many reasons people eat they way they do. There are many factors that go into an individual's health. There is one philosophy, tried and true, that I can always stick to no matter what kind of body, or what kind of eater. Whole Food is the answer. The closer to the ground the better. The healthiest food that you can eat is the tomato you just picked from your garden.
WHOLE FOOD! The way God packaged it, as close to the way we were made to eat as we can get in our world today. When we get to heaven we will know what it feels like for our body to be whole, but until then, this is how we should live if we want to experience Gods best for us in this life.
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